Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day Twenty-Five

Today is Day Twenty-Five

RE: Mets fire Randolph, Peterson, Nieto also dismissed

"Bad timing...They shouldve waited until after the all-star break"



Erik said...

In terms of making me laugh, that was your best post so far.

camcam said...

Nice. The other day I caught myself actually thinking about what I was posting and trying to sound relevant. I then realized that is the exact opposite of what I am trying to do here.

Anonymous said...

dude, honestly your comments are worse than the people who aren't even really trying. I hope you never get featured

Anonymous said...

maybe replace "should've" with "shoulda"...? You seem to be forgetting to dumb it down! And where the heck is the G rated smack talk?? You're just getting lazy now (on second thought, laziness seems to be a key component to this equation...)

Anonymous said...

Wow - criticism from someone called "show me your wenis." With originality and comedic tendencies of that nature he's clearly a fanboy for tWWL.

The fight is over, camcam. This is the current featured comment: "Seattle, a city definitely not a TitleTown, but has the most loyal fan base." Time to just start throwing letters at the wall and see what sticks.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I came back to make the same exact comment...

And I think the Wenis guy actually has a better chance of getting featured. What exactly did he mean by that? Your comments are worse than the people actually trying? Or your comments are worse than their comments? How does one compare and contrast a comment with the people making them? I don't understand. He's made no sense and my head is about to explode

camcam said...

I'm surprised it took this long to get a negative comment

Anonymous said...

Re: Malicious Sophist

english, must not be your forte, have fun in bejing!?!