Monday, June 23, 2008

Day Twenty-Eight

Today is Day Twenty-Eight
(Last day of segrin24 for a while)

RE: Cubs 7, White Sox 1

"I guess the Cubs showed who the kings off chicago are"



Anonymous said...

I guess ESPN showed how not featured you are...

Anonymous said...

Did you see the comment today?? I think if you ended every comment with "period", that would give your comment a certain brevity that could never be accomplished with purposeful misspellings and unabashed fandom.

For example...which of these stands out?

"The Braves can't mount a serious threat to the Phillies wihtout Chipper in the lineup."


"The Braves can't mount a serious threat to the Phillies wihtout Chipper in the lineup...period."

Case closed

camcam said...

Case closed, period.